Bitesize Daily
The BBC are broadcasting some great daily lessons as part of their Bitesize Daily programme. These can be found on the red button on digital BBC channels, or on iPlayer (where you can also find all the previous lessons).
Primary lessons are broadcast at 9.00am (although of course you can watch them at any time on iPlayer). Some of the lessons aimed at 9-11 year olds (particularly in literacy and maths) may be a little difficult for your child, but there are some really good KS1 and lower KS2 lessons they may like.
There are also secondary lessons broadcast from 10.00am each morning, in case you also have older children at home.
Further information on Bitesize Daily and a programme schedule can be found here:
The iPlayer Bitesize Daily homepage can be found here:
BBC Bytesize - What are fractions?
An introduction to fractions and what they mean
BBC Bytesize - How to write fractions
An introduction to writing simple fractions
As well as using MyMaths to access directed learning tasks and play focused maths games whilst at home, the TopMarks website has a host of activities that will help boost your child's confidence in times-tables and mental maths.
Times tables games for Key Stage 1 children. Learning the Times Tables need not a tedious chore! Learning them can be fun if you build up your knowledge gradually through using these fun multiplication games.
This online activity is really useful at helping children practise and understand their times-tables. You can select the individual times-tables you wish to focus on and I would recommend using 2x, 10x and 5x to get used to the question types before moving on to the other times-tables.
We have been working on adding suffixes in our spelling lessons. There are some fun games and activities on this web site to help your child practise these spellings.
Topic Learning
The BBC Bytesize website is really useful for consolidating our classroom learning and extending your child's knowledge of the world. The following links support our topic learning from this term.
BBC Bytesize - Plants (6 learner guides & games)
There are six pages with videos full of information about plants, and some activities to have a go at afterwards.
How to Grow Fruit from Seeds
Why not have a go at growing some plants from seeds whilst you are at home? If you don’t have any seeds already, try planting different seeds from any fruit you eat at home. There are lots of fruit seeds you can try: apples, pears, avocados and tomatoes to name just a few! For more information and instructions on how to do this, use the link above.
There are plenty of Kahoot! challenges being created for your child. Please check your messages on Class Dojo for an up-to-date list of Kahoot! PINs which will give you access to the quizzes. As before, please do ask your child to use their real initials rather than an alias when entering a username.
I will also be using Class Dojo to make you aware of other learning tasks the children can access whilst at home, so please do check your notifications on the Class Dojo app regularly. If you or your child have any questions about the work, the best way to contact me is via Class Dojo messaging, and I will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.