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"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our students and their achievements."

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Design and Technology

The Design & Technology department at Marland is equipped with tools and equipment to enable the students to learn skills in working with wood, metal and plastic. In years 6, 7 and 8, students follow the National Curriculum and learn skills in designing and making products. From year 9 onwards students follow a personalised programme of study, allowing them to work towards a qualification that best suits their strengths and goals. By the end of year 11 students will have been given the opportunity to use their work for either a GCSE in Design & Technology or a BTEC qualification in a specific skill, such as producing a product or construction skills.


The Design and Technology suite comprises a design studio/classroom and a workshop. The design studio has computers with design software so that students can complete research and develop ideas on screen. The software uses the same principles as commercial design programs used by engineers and architects. The workshop has a selection of tools and equipment, which, as well as developing specific skills, helps students develop and improve other skills such as hand-eye coordination.
The range of skills offered in Design & Technology includes – Woodwork, metalwork, electronics, graphic products, construction, cooking and textiles.
