Learning Support
All students have their Literacy levels assessed on entry and this data is used to determine whether they need targeted literacy support. Regular WRATs retesting is used to measure the impact of these interventions.
Support is available across the school day for students who experience difficulties in lesson time and subsequently disengage from their learning. On each school site, this is led by a Learning Support Manager and supported by a range of other staff.
Students are offered the opportunity to moderate their behaviour and re-engage with their
learning in a variety of ways. This may simply be a chat, sharing a problem, a place to sit and calm
down alone or somewhere to work with a different member of staff. The emphasis is always to
maximise learning opportunities, minimise wasted time and return to productive learning as soon
as practically possible. We understand that some students may have difficulties with certain aspects of their class work or relationships with others. We always strive to overcome these issues with them in a positive, solution focused manner.
Our focus is based on positive relationships, building self-esteem and encouraging each and every student to thrive and achieve maximum success with their educational, social and emotional development and learning in the future.
Within the Learning Support area, student art work is hung on the walls to encourage a positive environment. Art work is made by students of different year groups who might be working towards a qualification in the subject.