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Welcome to Marland School

"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our students and their achievements."

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Open Day

The Residential School at Peters Marland hosts an Open Day in May and welcomes the students’ extended families to see the great work they have produced during the year and give each a chance to discuss their son’s progress in all aspects of their learning.


The students’ are keen to show all aspects of their life at Marland from academic work through to vocational and life skills.  There is an opportunity to see how they have done not only in their academic subjects but also other areas such as horticulture, motor vehicle maintenance, cooking / catering, living skills, sport and lots more.


It’s always a fun day; with stalls, games, competitions and raffles as well as the more serious business of learning progress.


A BBQ of hot dogs and burgers is available, and we have our very own Clay Pizza Oven on the front lawn of the school (built by the students).   The dough is freshly made on site and a choice of toppings are available, from a ‘Marland Marguerita’, to the School’s very own ‘Spicy Ghost Chilly Pizza’.


The teaching and Learning staff are available to discuss progress and show the students’ work in the classrooms.  A wide range of displays illustrate not only student work and achievement but also the broad range of opportunities that are available at Marland across the 24/7 day.


All staff are involved in the preparations and organisation of what has become a very informative and happy event, enjoyed by all.


All the money raised is donated to a charity chosen by the students and staff.
